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VARA and DCU – creating impact from research through commercialisation.

✅💡Super attendance & great engagement by Dublin City University researchers who participated in the two DCU Invent Explore 2024 – Research to Impact sessions during September and October 2024. 🔁 […]

A win for VARA client and for individuals with intellectual disabilities!

Massive congratulations to VARA Innovation Specialists client DigiAcademy Technology on winning the Audience Choice Award and coming second at ALPHA Innovation EU‘s Disrupt by the Sea 2024! 🌊🎉 🏆🎤 Well […]

Demand for Commercialisation Support increases at TU Dublin

We kicked off September at VARA Innovation Specialists with a well attended and very engaging commercialisation exploration workshop delivered in collaboration with the TU Dublin Research and Innovation team. 👊 […]

Innovation at MaynoothWorks

VARA Innovation Specialists welcomed the opportunity to deliver an Innovation and Research Commercialisation module for MaynoothWorks in collaboration with Design Innovation Maynooth Participants Carrie Anne Barry Orla Cooney Fatima Ayoub […]

Dublin City University – Lunch & Learn

Brilliant turnout and engagement from Dublin City University researchers today at DCU Invent‘s first Lunch & Learn monthly series on the theme of commercialisation funding. Kieran Fegan of VARA innovation Specialists was delighted […]

2024 Food Works Ireland Accelerator Programme

VARA Innovation Specialists was delighted to deliver the first training session on the 2024 Food Works Ireland Accelerator Programme this week. Food Works Ireland supports ambitious scalable & export driven Irish Food Businesses across Ireland. […]

VARA client shortlisted for SLUSH

Massive congratulations to University of Galway spin out company and VARA Innovation Specialists client Lua Health which has made it to the Slush 100 Top 20 semifinalists. The Top 3 and the ultimate winner will be decided on […]

DCU Invent Explore 2023 – Research to Impact Workshop Series 

A huge turnout of nearly 70 Dublin City University researchers participated in the first of the DCU Invent Explore 2023 – Research to Impact Series of workshops last week. The DCU Invent […]

Funding secured for VARA client Trinity College Dublin’s IntegrityIQ.

VARA Innovation Specialists has helped a team of researchers from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) secure €365,000 in funding from Enterprise Ireland’s Commercialisation Fund to develop an AI platform designed to […]

Exploring Commercialisation at Trinity College, Dublin

Full house at the VARA Innovation Specialists commercialisation exploration workshop at Trinity College Dublin in July 2023, run in collaboration with Trinity Innovation VARA was delighted to be invited by Trinity Innovation to deliver this practical […]