VARA was delighted to deliver the Customer Discovery training to the second cohort of 16 teams on the North by Northwest (NxNW) ICURe bootcamp in Manchester recently. We had a very diverse range of teams with technologies ranging from crop yield enhancement, ‘cage prison’ formaldehyde capturing tech for homes to stem cell reprogramming and lots more.

The ICURe (“Innovation-to-Commercialisation of University Research”) Programme trains, funds and supports teams led by UK university early-career researchers (ECRs) to determine whether there is a market for products or services that utilise their research, science or technology. Up to £35,000 of funding is available to ‘get out of the lab’ and validate these commercially-promising ideas in the marketplace.

The NxNW ICURe is led by Queens University of Belfast with support from Innovate UK. ICURe NxNW is open to all universities, but with a regional emphasis covering Northern Ireland, Scotland and the north of England. In the year to March 2019, we will have supported 26 teams to validate their commercially-promising innovations.