VARA Innovation Specialists was once again delighted to be invited by TU Dublin Innovation to deliver this practical commercialisation exploration workshop to get teams to start thinking about their research from a potential customers perspective using lean start-up tools and techniques. A great way for Irish Universities to build a pipeline of projects interested in commercialising their technologies.
The Technological University of Dublin researchers were then treated to the recent success story of Fiona Ryan and Kieran Collins and their journey from idea to Enterprise Ireland Commercial Feasibility to being awarded Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Funding for their very innovative Sports Propeller technology, having been guided through the application process by VARA. #watchthisspace.
VARA is currently working with Technological University of Dublin providing Spin-Out Support Consultancy services to assist with building its commercialisation pipeline and support the journey to spin-out creation. As part of that process, we are running workshops for TU Dublin researchers to help TU Dublin Innovation staff build an early stage commercial feasibility pipeline. From a standing start, we are typically getting 10/15 researchers who are interested in commercialising their research into a room, three or four times a year. Since June 2022, we have had over 80 researchers attend VARA workshops.
In the workshops, we are teaching them how to frame their research and articulate it so that potential customers can relate e.g., Verbal Business Card ‘We believe we can solve these types of (Problem assumptions) for these types of (assumed customers) using this Tech’ etc. We are then crafting their value propositions using the value proposition and business model canvas. In addition. VARA is working with teams to strengthen commercial feasibility and commercialisation fund applications. In the last 12 months, demand for commercialisation support has doubled in TU Dublin. The number of Commercialisation Fund Feasibility (CFF) Grants has increased substantially compared to the previous year and TU Dublin is on target to exceed the targets set for it.